Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Playroom Twine & Clothespin Banner

Having a playroom in our new house has been a dream! It keeps all of Bennett's toys organized [without cluttering his bedroom and our living room like they did in our old house], but also provides a great, safe place for him to play. One of the things I wanted to do in his playroom to give it a more playroom feel is to create and hang a banner to be able to clip little flashcards with the alphabet, numbers, colors, animals - and then to one day have a space to hang little projects and artwork that he'll create. There are huge empty walls in the playroom, so I loved creating something so cute while also functional to dress up one of the walls with. I had the twine and clothes pins already and scored these alphabet cards from the dollar section of Target a few months ago. It took about 5 minutes to throw together (thank you Mom for your help!) and I love the way it looks in his playroom. 

Materials you'll need:
- Twine
- Wood clothes pins
- 4 thumb tacks 
- Scissors
- Things to hang our your pins :)

We cut our two large pieces of twine and thumb tacked them to the wall. I knew that I wanted to hang flashcards first, so I actually laid out the flash cards on the floor, in front of the shelf that I wanted to hang the banners above, to make sure that I was cutting my pieces long enough.

Once they were on the wall, I made bows (as you can see in the close up picture) to tie on the ends to hide the thumb tacks on the wall. 

That's it! So for a project that literally cost a few dollars, if you're counting all of the supplies that I already had, it was a quick and easy project to do to spruce up a boring wall in the playroom and to soon start using to teach Bennett his letters, numbers, colors and animals!

PS - Can you tell that I was two pins short? Haha, until I can steal two from my mom's clothesline at home, two chip clips will do it for now! :)

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