Monday, February 22, 2016

Favorite Baby Items: Take 3 (Breastfeeding Edition)

If you've missed the previous posts to this series...
Going through this mommy journey, I've been so thankful for all of the help and recommendations from all of my mommy friends and family - which is what inspired this series of posts. If I can help new or soon-to-be mommys even just the slightest based on my own experience, I hope to! :) This take on my favorite baby items is dedicated to breastfeeding and the tons of products related to breastfeeding that are available! I'm exclusively pumping, so these recommendations may be different for those mommas that aren't pumping just yet and/or that are able to nurse. Regardless - here are some helpful items that I love that have made pumping a little easier for me, in no particular order:

Hands-Free Pumping Bra - The Simple Wishes Hands-Free Pumping Bra has made pumping much easier and it makes a world of a difference not having to hold the flanges from your breast pump each session. This one came highly recommended to me and I'm so thankful that I received it as a shower present!

Nipple Cream - I swear by Lansinoh Nipple Cream. While you don't necessarily need to use nipple cream each time you pump, I use it after each pumping session and I swear it's one of the main reasons that I haven't experienced any issues or discomfort! I tried a few brands that I had received as samples and Lansinoh's cream has been my favorite.

Medela Quick Clean Breast Pump & Accessory Wipes - These are great to use between each pumping session so that you don't have to sterilize your pump parts after each pump. I used these throughout the day and sterilized all my parts in the steam bags (below) once a day.

Vehicle Lighter Adapter - This was a huge lifesaver, especially in the beginning when I was pumping every 2-3 hours. When having to leave the house to go to doctors appointments or other places, I'd pump right before leaving and would usually always need to pump again before we arrived back at home. The car adapter allowed me to stick to my pumping schedule to keep up my supply and also made the opportunity to leave the house much, much easier!

Up & Up Milk Storage Bags - These are my favorite brand of storage bags. I read a ton of reviews on different brands of storage bags and these came highly recommended! They are sturdy, are great quality and they're great for freezing flat. My second recommendation for storage bags would be the Lansinoh brand. They've received a lot of reviews from moms indicating that they leaked when thawing from the freezer, but I haven't had any issues with them yet.

Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bags - These are wonderful for quick sterilizing. You can use each bag 20 times. I use these bags to sterilize my breast pump parts, bottle caps, and you can also use them to sterilize bottles and nipples. They're great for pumping on the go or at work - it's easy to pull the bag out, put your parts in and quickly pop them in the microwave to sterilize when you need to.

Medela Bottles - You can't have too many of these bottles! The more you have, the less time you're spending washing and sterilizing bottles each day. Now I have about 30 of these bottles (thank goodness for great hand-me-downs too!), and I can go a full day without sterilizing pumping bottles - giving me so much more time during the day.

Kiinde Kozii Breastmilk / Bottle Warmer - This is an awesome warmer that also has great reviews online. It's fast and doesn't overheat the milk like other brand reviews have reported. What's nice is that you can pop frozen freezer bags right in to thaw, or you can pop in a bottle to warm.

While there are a TON of breastfeeding products available, and many more that I've used and could recommend, I think that this is a good list of my favorites :)

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