Thursday, February 18, 2016

Healthy Snacking - Be Prepared!

Having such a busy lifestyle already, in addition to recently becoming a new mom, it's even more important for me to make sure that we have readily accessible healthy snacks for when we need them! 

Let's be honest - there's always snacks readily available; however - most of the time when we're in a hurry and only have a few minutes to grab something, we resort to grabbing whatever is easiest which often tends to be a not-so-healthy option. I'm not saying that we'll never enjoy a not-so-healthy snack or indulge in a treat every once in a while (because that would be both a lie and depressing) - but I want to try to make a better effort to have healthier options ready to go for when we need them!

I briefly talked about having healthy snacks in my Meal Prep Blog Post. Some of the easiest snacks that I love having ready and that are simple to prep are:

Sliced Bell Peppers 
(To store: Bag them in individual sandwich bags)

Fruit Salad 
(To store: Use small ziplock containers - snack sized, ready to go!)

Celery Sticks with Peanut Butter 
(To store: Bag the celery in individual sandwich bags and the peanut butter in small tupperware containers)

Hard Boiled Eggs 
(To store: Whatever is easiest for you - if that's having them all in one container in the refrigerator or to bag them individually. To make things even easier on myself, I like to peel the eggs ahead of time, before putting them in the refrigerator, so that I don't have to worry about peeling them when I'm ready for a snack).

Apple Slices 
(To store: Bag them in individual sandwich bags)

What are some of your favorite snacks? Let's all make an effort to make things easier on ourselves and have health(ier) snack options available when we need them! :)

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