Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Favorite Baby Items: 7 Months Old

And he's already 8 months old! Time is FLYING by. So much has happened this past month! For starters - Bennett is now sitting up on his own which opened up a whole new door of things that he can play with and do... so much more action! :) Some of our favorite items from this past month, in no particular order:

Fisher-Price Rock-a-Stack - This looks so simple but for some reason, it's one of Bennett's favorite toys! He loves to play with the individual rings and tries to put them back on the stand. He hasn't mastered it yet but it's so cute watching him try. For only $4.99 - it's a steal for the amount of time he spends playing with it!

Fisher-Price Baby's First Blocks - He loves playing with all of the different shaped pieces. This will be another great toy for when he's a little bit older and learning colors and shapes.

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Tap 'n Learn Hammer - He loves this little hammer. It sings songs, counts to 10 and even speaks a little Spanish! It has two modes - music and learning (learning mode is more for teaching phrases, counting and Spanish). The hammer's head is soft enough so that if he hits himself or someone else with it by accident, it's soft and cushiony. 

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Remote & Smart Phone Bundle - We actually received these separately, but I saw that it's offered as a bundle through Amazon. Bennett loves both of these toys. He loves remotes and loves Facetiming on our cell phones. Ever since he started playing with these toys - it hasn't been a struggle at all to distract him when he sees the real remote and a real cell phone. Plus - these are obviously more fun for your little one with the lights and music that they play ;) 

Jenny Collection Child Road Map Rug - This is probably one of my favorite Bennett items for this month. This is one that I found on sale for Prime Day (we have the 5x7 size), and we had a gift card, so it was a win/win purchase! I wanted a rug with roads for Bennett's playroom (it's a huge room with hardwood floors, so I wanted a softer surface for playing and one that he can actually get play use out of). I had been looking online and they were either hideous, too small, or too expensive for a larger size that I wanted. I first saw this one at Home Depot and decided to do a little more research on it and found it for cheaper through Amazon. It is the perfect size, amazing quality and has such bright colors. (Added bonus for my police mommies - it has a police station right in the center) :) He loves to sit on it to play with his other toys, and loves looking at the bright colors. I'm sure he'll love it even more when he's old enough to move his play cars along the roads! It's the perfect addition to his playroom!

Ikea Kallax Shelving Unit - This is another item we purchased for Bennett's playroom in the new house (We have it laid down on it's side - not standing straight up and down as pictured). I wanted something to keep all of Bennett's smaller toys in, that also wasn't too kid-looking. It's definitely a piece that I can use for other things, or that can be added to Bennett's bedroom when he's older for other purposes. I was originally going to get this for his bedroom when we were planning for his nursery, I've always loved the way they look with the bins! I actually scored this from an online yardsale group - a Mom had purchased two, ended up only needing to keep one and was selling it brand new, still in the box for a cheaper price, to avoid making a trip back to Ikea for returning. Regardless if I didn't get it for cheaper, brand new via yardsale - I'd absolutely pay full price for this item. It's high quality, easy to assemble and looks great in the playroom! (Note - There are a million places to purchase bins for these shelves - Here is the set that we have for it - they were on sale when we got them, for less than $3.50/each bin). 

Well - it looks like this post turned into a toy/playroom post (whoops!) and one that clearly loves the Fisher-Prices Baby's first toys. Haha, I'm excited to see what the next month brings! :)