Friday, September 14, 2018

DIY Magnetic Chalkboard Wall

We had been going back and forth on creating a chalkboard wall somewhere in our house for quite some time. Originally, I had wanted to make one in the play room, then we were contemplating putting it in Bennett's room so that we didn't take up so much space of the playroom. We were also going back and forth with whether or not to DIY or to just purchase a nicer chalkboard, or even a white board. We had actually purchased a magnetic white board last week and upon arrival it was damaged - so we sent it back. Ordered another - a completely different brand - same issue, and I didn't like the way it looked (I was expecting a much higher quality). Before looking into new ones (for the third time), I started looking more into DIY chalkboards.

I always strayed away from the idea, because I really wanted a board that was magnetic. I wanted Bennett to have a board that he could not only use for fun, but that we could use while doing exercises with him, or while one of his therapists were at the house for one of his developmental sessions (a magnetic board would be perfect for what we were looking for).

After doing research online (there's not much free time I can spend doing anything these days - so honestly, it was max of 5 minutes while in the car - don't worry, as a passenger). I read a few reviews, compared products and found what I needed on Home Depot's website. We were already heading there for something else, so I bit the bullet, hoped for the best and purchased my supplies :)

I'm beyond thankful I did, because it really did turn out to be amazing!

Where we decided to "make" the chalkboard? We recently had our kitchen cabinets re-painted white, and not only did it transform the entire space (it looks like a brand new kitchen!), but it also created the perfect space for a DIY chalkboard. There was a big white wall on the side of our microwave/oven combo and it was the perfect spot, as it was completely un-usable, and is right before the entry way to the playroom. 

Here is our before picture :)

Supply List
- Painters Tape
- Magnetic Chalkboard Primer (if you're opting to make yours magnetic as well!)
- Sand Paper Block (this isn't the exact brand I used, but it's similar!)
- Roller (I chose to use a smaller size)
- Paper Plate (I used this instead of using our last paint tray cover)
- Paint Stirring Stick (do these things have official names?!)
- Plastic glove for your painting hand (you don't want to end up with little black dots all over your hand/arm)
- Some kind of covering for your floor under your area


1 - Cover the floor that you'll be working on. I used an unfolded Cheerios box that was in our recycling bin!

2 - Lightly sand the wall with the sand paper block.

2 - Take a damp paper towel to run over the entire surface of the wall to clear off any residue that your sanding left. Make sure you allow a few minutes for the wall to dry so that it doesn't effect your painters tape sticking, or your paint.

3 - Use the painters tape around the border of your wall, to your desired size of your chalkboard.

4 - You're ready to start using the Magnetic Primer! A few takeaways that I'm happy I read about prior to starting this project:
  • Stir the can EXTREMELY well. The primer is oil based, so when you first open the can - you'll panic a little as the top is oil and the bottom is a solid hunk of paint/goop. You should continue stirring until it is completely mixed and smooth (it took me a good 5-7 minutes). 
  • The more layers of magnetic primer you use, the better your magnets will stick. I used half the can which ended up being 6 coats of magnetic primer.
  • In between each coat, you need to wait 30 minutes before applying the next coat of primer.
  • When you're done all of your primer coats, you'll need to wait 2 hours before applying the regular chalkboard paint.
5 - Applying the Chalkboard Paint!
  • Again, stir extremely well. 
  • It is recommended that you do a maximum of 2 coats of chalkboard paint, on top of a magnetic primer (the more you do, the less magnetic your board will become). So that's exactly what I did - just 2 coats!
  • In between each coat of chalkboard paint, you should wait 2 hours. 
6 - Clean up your mess! 

Once you're done applying both coats of the Chalkboard paint, it'll be completely dry (according to the can) in 2-4 hours. I felt that mine was completely dry after about 30 minutes, but I was still paranoid so no one touched it until the next day :) It's also important to note that you should wait 4 days before using chalk on the board. The paint company recommends rubbing chalk all over the board prior to writing on the board (this is so that your first writing on the board doesn't leave a permanent trace). It's also recommended to wait 10 days after painting to use water for the first time to clean it. 

To give you an idea of how much paint you'll need, the two sizes that I linked above were perfect. After this project was complete, I had 1/2 can of the Magnetic Primer left, and 3/4 can of the Chalkboard Paint left. They're going to a momma friend for her to do the same in her kitchen! :)

Overall, I'm extremely happy with how the chalkboard wall turned out. Not only was it a much cheaper option than purchasing a quality grade chalkboard or white board, but it also is in the perfect location, and adds more character to that side of our kitchen. It's always a win/win when you find something that checks so many things off your wish list! 

Here are a few after pictures - and one of my little man with some of his favorite magnets :)

I hope these instructions will help you transform a great space in your home!

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