Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nursery - Stage 1 (Prepping & Painting)

Stage one of getting the nursery together has been clearing it out! Pre-baby, we were using the room as a second guest bedroom and it also housed a desk that we rarely ever used. The closet is huge (thankfully, because Bennett already has a lot of stuff!) but it was full of storage stuff for things like holiday decorations, craft supplies, office supplies, anything that needed a storage spot that didn't have a home elsewhere, you could usually find it there! Also, all of Eric's work certificates and awards were hung in this guest bedroom. It's so weird to see this space now empty, but it makes me even more excited to see what it'll look like when it's completely finished!

Here's what it currently looks like - empty and ready for fresh paint [and of course Big Brother Tucker had to make at least one photo]! :)

We've had a few set backs with time and plans, but thankfully this week the nursery will finally get painted! Within the next few weeks, Dad and Eric will be building the closet and assembling all of the furniture! I can't wait for everything to be set up so that I can finally start putting things away. (As an obsesser of organization and cleanliness - I can't wait to empty the tubs and random boxes of supplies and clothes that we've received already that are ready to have their official home, neatly put away!)

Such an exciting time! I can't wait to post updates of the progress we make over the next few weeks, and the projects for wall decor and other ideas that I'm so excited to start! Stay tuned! :)

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