Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs - Seems like something that would be so simple, right? There are millions of different instructions out there on how to make the perfect hard boiled egg, and when you find the right one - you stick with it and swear by it! Besides, no one likes a mediocre hard boiled egg - right? :)

I not only want to share this one with you (because it works and is my favorite thus far) but another reason I post so  many recipes on my blog (besides the obvious reason to share them with all of you) is to keep an electronic cook book of my own, so that I can easily come back to my blog, use the search function and easily find a recipe that I've already posted about, to quickly make again. Side note - for this recipe/set of instructions especially, Eric will thank me for finally writing it down somewhere so that I don't have to ask him for it each time I want to make hard boiled eggs. Eric - you're welcome, ha!

So - here goes the instructions for the perfect hard boiled egg :)


1 - Place 10-12 eggs in the bottom of a pot, so that they're all sitting on the bottom and not on top of eachother.

2 - Cover the eggs with water so that the water line is approximately a half inch over the tops of the eggs.

3 - On your stovetop, bring your water to a boil. Once your water starts boiling and bubbling, remove the pot from it's current burner and move to another burner.

4 - Place a lid on your pot and set your new burner on it's lowest heat setting for 20 minutes.

5 - After 20 minutes, remove the eggs from the pot and place in a strainer - run under cold water for a minute or so to cool them off.

That's it! :) I love using hard boiled eggs for salads, and Eric likes having them on hand for a quick and easy snack. Another tip to make your life easier when it's time to actually enjoy your eggs, is to remove the shell of the egg once you're done cooking them, so that you don't have to spend time doing that later. I like getting that part out of the way from the get-go :)

Also - for those of you that love hard boiled eggs, my Dad makes the BEST deviled eggs - I'll have to see if I can squeeze the recipe out of him for a future post :)

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