Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Revamping My Spice Cabinet with Mason Jars!

Clutter and unorganized chaos drives me crazy, and my spice cabinet was driving me insane each time I opened up the little cabinet door by our stove - seeing all of the bottles shoved and strategically fit in there. I've been looking for ways to consolidate all of the different sized bottles and shakers of spices to not only make the cabinet easier on the eyes, but to also aid in organization so that I didn't have an avalanche each time I attempted to pull different spices out, or tried to pull one out from the back of the shelf.

I have been pinning  ideas on Pinterest lately on how to better organize my spice cabinet. Most of them were for larger cabinets or ideas for if I could turn my spice cabinet into a spice drawer (which I loved and can't wait to one day implement in a new kitchen, but our kitchen currently doesn't allow space for a drawer dedicated to just spices), so I was excited when I came across the different mason jar organization techniques for a smaller cabinet. Also, my sister-in-law Sharon has recently been converting all of her spices and refrigerator condiments to mason jars to help with organization, freshness and consistency - who doesn't love that? (And who doesn't love mason jars?) I quickly became sold on the idea and just needed to find time to start converting all of my plastic shakers to mason jars!

Materials Needed:
- Mason Jars
- Labels
- Marker

As you can see from our collection below, we have a ton of different sized shakers for spices. I elected to use different size mason jars so that we could fit everything in their new containers. I used jelly-sized jars, half pint-sized jars and quart-sized jars.

I began by sorting through all of the spices to create labels for each.

Once you wash and dry all of your mason jars, you're ready to start transferring contents from their shakers to the mason jar!

That's it! Here's my after picture - much more organized and better to look at than the various bottles and shakers shoved every which way to fit in the cabinet. I can't believe I fit 30 different spices so neatly on this small shelf. I love it! This project definitely crossed of one of the items on my "things to organize before Bennett arrives" list. :)

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